Swimming pool resurfacing & restoration
With our mobile abrasive blasting service, we come out to you for your swimming pool restoration needs.
Your old pool could be ready for a makeover, and we can have it looking as good as new. Vapour abrasive sandblasting is a great solution for restoring the original pool surface, with blasting media being easily contained and more environmentally friendly. We do initial testing to ensure we use the correct pressure and media for your pool surface.
Specific industrial swimming pool coatings are used when re-painting the surface.
Swimming pool sandblasting
From public pools, school pools, to privately owned swimming pools, we have restored them all.
We work closely with coatings specialists, and can complete the blasting as well as the coatings side in one complete project.
Private residence swimming pool restoration
Swimming pool before photos (top left), after Ecostrip abrasive blasting (top right), and after new coatings applied (below).